Content Fragment List allows the display of a list of content fragments on a page. Useful for authoring headless content that can be easily consumed by applications.
Content Fragment List
Content fragment list component that displays content fragments based on a bespoke Office model which allows the output of structured data associated with a business location or office. A Parent Path is used as a root for looking up the content fragments to display.
The list can be filtered to display content fragments associated with a tag. In this example, the list is filtered by the core-components-examples:region/north-america tag – to show offices in North America.
Order By and Sort Order
The list can be ordered by element or property, ascending or descending. In this example, we order the offices by City, ascending.
The content fragment elements to be displayed in the list can be configured by an author. In this example we again list the same offices, but filter the output to only show the title and city.